Sakshi Gupta, a young and talented artist from Pune, has always been drawn to the world of painting. Her love for art blossomed during her school days, where she found solace in the strokes of a brush and the vibrant interplay of colors. Over time, this childhood fascination evolved into a deep pass
In a world where beauty standards can often seem unreachable and societal expectations overwhelming, e.fek.tiv beauty emerges as a beacon of authenticity and self-expression. Our brand transcends the conventional beauty narrative, focusing not just on ethical and pure beauty prod
In the realm of hair care, there's a lesser-known yet highly beneficial practice called "pre-pooing" that can transform your hair care routine for the better. Short for pre-shampooing, pre-pooing involves applying a treatment to your hair before washing it with shampoo. This proactive
In today's world, where ethical choices and luxury can go hand in hand, Lusso Lifestyle stands out as a pioneer in cruelty-free fashion. Our brand is dedicated to providing a luxurious experience without compromising on our commitment to animal welfare. By utilizing top-of-the-line, premiu
In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of our actions, the choices we make in gift-giving can be significant steps towards a more sustainable future. At, we've made it our mission to provide a platform where knowledge, innovation, and community converg